Doctrinal Statement for Deacon Ministry
The deacon ministry at Mountain View Baptist Church exists to support the church’s mission by serving with humility, integrity, and a deep commitment to Scripture. Deacons are guided by the biblical principles laid out in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3, emphasizing servant leadership and godly character. This doctrinal statement provides a detailed exposition of these principles for those aspiring to deaconship, whether single or married, and reflects our core doctrinal foundation, The Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Biblical Foundation for Deacon Ministry
Acts 6:3 – The Origin and Purpose of the Deacon Ministry
“Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.” (Acts 6:3, NKJV)
Context and Background of Acts 6:3
The church in Jerusalem faced a challenge: the Hellenistic widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food, creating division within the church. The apostles, recognizing the need to focus on prayer and teaching, instructed the believers to appoint spiritually mature individuals to handle this task. Acts 6 establishes a prototype for deacons—a role designed to support church unity, meet practical needs, and free pastoral leaders to focus on spiritual oversight.
Detailed Qualifications from Acts 6:3
1. From Among You
Believers in Christ: Deacons are first and foremost part of the body of Christ, individuals who have a living, active relationship with Jesus. Their service reflects their submission to Christ and the church’s mission, with their authority and guidance coming solely from Scripture, the supreme standard by which all human conduct and Christian service is tried.
Embedded in the Church Community: Deacons are selected from among the congregation, meaning they are already known and trusted by the church. This ensures they are familiar with the congregation’s needs and are trusted to minister effectively.
​2. Deacons at Mountain View Baptist Church serve under the supreme authority of Scripture, which alone is fully sufficient and divinely inspired to guide their ministry. Every duty and expectation is grounded in God’s Word and aligns with the ultimate standard for Christian conduct.
3. Seven Men
Gender Specification: In Acts, men were specifically chosen for this role. Mountain View Baptist Church upholds this precedent for male deacons, though it acknowledges the invaluable contributions of women in other areas of ministry.
The Number Seven: While the number of deacons chosen was seven in the early church, this was based on the specific needs at that time. At Mountain View, the number of deacons should correspond to the church's needs, allowing sufficient support to the congregation.
4. Good Reputation
Public Integrity: A deacon’s reputation is essential because it reflects the credibility of the gospel. Having a “good reputation” means a deacon demonstrates honesty, reliability, and moral integrity in all areas of life, both within and outside the church. Their integrity is vital, as they may be entrusted with sensitive matters and finances, requiring that their actions be above reproach.
Consistency in Word and Action: A good reputation means that others, believers and non-believers alike, observe a steady alignment between a deacon’s words and actions. This commitment to integrity and accountability is central to the life of a deacon, reflecting a life of holiness and faithful ambassadorship of Christ to both the church and the world.
5. Full of the Holy Spirit
- Spiritual Sensitivity: A deacon’s life should exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and a daily reliance on God. Being “full of the Holy Spirit” indicates that a deacon regularly seeks God’s guidance and power, relying on Him to enable effective service.
- Continual Yielding to God’s Leadership: Deacons should show an ongoing dependence on the Holy Spirit in their decision-making, interactions, and approach to ministry, allowing Him to guide their attitudes and actions.
6. Wisdom
​Practical Knowledge and Discernment: Wisdom goes beyond intellectual knowledge; it is applied understanding. A deacon should not only know biblical principles but also understand how to apply them in diverse situations.
Sensitivity in Handling Conflicts and Needs: Wisdom helps deacons serve effectively by discerning the best ways to address both practical and spiritual needs in the congregation.
The Role of Deacons in Preserving Unity
The early deacons were appointed to ensure fair distribution and prevent division. This foundational purpose calls deacons to be peacemakers, promoting harmony and service within the church. They are to act as facilitators of unity, helping the church focus on its mission and support its members. The deacon ministry is centered on fostering unity within the church, directly supporting the pastoral team and congregation through acts of service, and facilitating the church’s mission under Christ’s Lordship. Deacons operate not as governing authorities but as devoted servants, promoting harmony and meeting the practical needs of the body.
1 Timothy 3:8-13 – In-Depth Analysis of Deacon Qualifications
"Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience." (1 Timothy 3:8-9, NKJV)
Verse-by-Verse Exposition
1. Reverent (Verse 8)
Sense of Dignity: Reverence implies that a deacon approaches their responsibilities with seriousness and respect. They understand the importance of their role and its impact on the church community.
Appropriate Conduct: While a deacon may enjoy humor and bring joy to others, they should discern when situations call for serious attention, acting in ways that inspire confidence and respect.
2. Not Double-Tongued (Verse 8)
- Consistency in Speech: Deacons must avoid being “double-tongued,” meaning they should not say different things to different people, which can lead to confusion or mistrust.
- Guarding Against Gossip and Slander: A deacon should refrain from gossip and ensure that their words are true, helpful, and kind. They should aim to promote trust within the church by speaking truthfully and consistently.
3. Not Given to Much Wine (Verse 8)
- Temperance and Self-Control: While Scripture does not prohibit alcohol use, deacons should not let it influence their behavior or judgment. They should be known for self-control, avoiding anything that could harm their reputation or lead others to stumble.
Sensitivity to Others’ Needs: Deacons may choose to abstain altogether, especially in situations where others in the congregation struggle with alcohol or view abstinence as a matter of conscience (Romans 14:21).
4. Not Greedy for Money (Verse 8)​​
Proper Relationship with Wealth: A deacon should not be driven by greed. Their focus should be on serving the Lord and the church, not on material gain or financial self-interest.
Generosity and Stewardship: A deacon’s attitude toward money should be marked by generosity, viewing resources as a means to bless others and support God’s work. Following the example of Christ’s compassion, deacons serve to meet the needs of the vulnerable and support the congregation’s welfare, demonstrating Christ-like love and embodying the church’s call to care for all in need.
5. Holding the Mystery of the Faith with a Pure Conscience (Verse 9)
- Sound Doctrine and Faithfulness: The “mystery of the faith” refers to the gospel truths revealed through Christ. Deacons must firmly understand these truths and live in a way that reflects them.
Pure Conscience: Living with a pure conscience means they have integrity, avoiding any hidden sins or hypocrisies that could hinder their relationship with God or their effectiveness in ministry.
6. Tested and Found Blameless (Verse 10)
- Evaluation of Character: Candidates for deaconship should undergo a period of testing to confirm their character, integrity, and readiness for service. This testing can be informal observation or a formal process, allowing time to see if they truly embody biblical qualities.
- Ongoing Accountability: Once appointed, deacons remain accountable, understanding that blamelessness reflects a commitment to integrity and transparency, not perfection.
7. Single or Married (Verse 12)
- Husband of One Wife: If a deacon is married, he should demonstrate devotion to his spouse, reflecting a godly marriage. This requirement highlights loyalty, purity, and respect in marital relationships.
- Single Deacons: For those who are single, this standard translates to purity, self-control, and integrity in relationships. Whether married or single, a deacon is called to honor God in their personal life and relationships, demonstrating integrity and moral purity in line with biblical standards.
8. Good Managers of Their Household (Verse 12)
- Leadership in Family Life: Married deacons are expected to lead their families in a way that reflects their faith, demonstrating sound judgment, financial stewardship, and spiritual guidance.
- Applicable to Singles: Single deacons exhibit responsibility in other areas, such as finances, personal discipline, and relationships, which reflect their readiness to serve and lead within the church.
The Importance of Family Life
A deacon’s ability to manage his own household reflects his readiness to help guide the congregation. Just as he leads and serves his family with care, he extends that same dedication to the church community, whether married or single.
Ongoing Spiritual Development
Deacons at Mountain View Baptist Church are expected to pursue continual spiritual growth, engaging regularly in personal Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. They are encouraged to seek ongoing accountability with other deacons or church leaders to nurture their own faith, allowing them to better serve and lead others.
Confidentiality in Deacon Responsibilities
As part of their service, deacons may encounter sensitive or personal information. They are entrusted to handle all information with utmost confidentiality, respecting the privacy of individuals and fostering an environment of trust and support within the church.
Servant Leadership
Deacons are called to embody the spirit of servant leadership, prioritizing the needs of the congregation above their own interests. They should strive to model humility, following Christ’s example of selfless service, and seeking to serve rather than to be served.
Church Discipline
Deacons may assist pastoral staff in the church discipline process, focusing on restoration and reconciliation in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17. In such cases, deacons are expected to approach situations prayerfully, with compassion, and with the goal of restoring fellowship.
Collaboration and Team Ministry
The deacon ministry functions as a collaborative team, working together to meet the needs of the church body and provide unified support to the pastoral staff. Deacons are encouraged to communicate openly and work together, fostering mutual support and a unified approach to ministry.
Public and Personal Witness
Deacons are expected to represent Mountain View Baptist Church in a manner that honors Christ. They should model Christian character in their family life, workplaces, and public interactions, serving as witnesses to the transformative power of the gospel.
Evaluation and Feedback Process
Each deacon in training will participate in an review process at the end of their first year, during which their ministry will be evaluated by pastoral and deacon leadership. This evaluation aims to support the deacon’s growth, address any challenges, and encourage continual development in their service to the church.
Deacon Involvement in Prayer Ministry
Deacons are encouraged to prioritize prayer in all aspects of their ministry, supporting the church’s prayer needs and participating actively in prayer gatherings. By modeling a commitment to prayer, deacons help lead the congregation in reliance on God’s guidance and strength.
Deacons at Mountain View Baptist Church are called to serve in a way that honors God and promotes the unity and well-being of the church. This calling requires a life of integrity, humility, and dedication to Scripture. By adhering to these biblical standards, deacons not only support the church’s mission but also glorify God and model Christ-like servanthood.